Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our Potluck!

I thought our performance at the potluck was great! It was so nice to see us all working together and having fun doing it. Sometime during the potluck I told Willow that I thought the other cohorts were looking at use funny and said replied, "And they always will". I thought this was kind of interesting that she had made that observation. When thinking back on this short conversation I realised that she was right but this was not a bad thing. I think that it is always good to be different as this is what will help us be great teachers. Children will get bored with normal so it is great that we can bring so much not normal to their worlds. So congratulation to all of us for not being normal or boring! We will all be better teachers for it! So as this is my last blog, I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and see you in the New Year!

Art Gallry Tour

I really enjoyed the art gallery tour that we got to go on. The art was not so much my taste but I could see how you could incorporate many different activities into this art. The glow paint was my favorite as I had never gotten the opportunity to work with paint like this and it seemed like everyone was enjoying themselves. It would be great to take a class there and do this sort of activity. As I do not live in PG and will not be teaching there, I will have to try to find something similar in Smithers if it exists!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Fyfe's Favorite Book

My niece, Fyfe is teething so badly right now which makes it hard for me to find things to make her happy while I am babysitting! On the weekend, in the middle of a teeth related upset time, I pulled out this book. The reaction that I got was out of this world. Fyfe was bright eyed and laughing the whole time, when she wasn't oohing at the pictures or asking me "what's that" in her very cute baby language. Therefore, I thank Eric Carle for bringing Fyfe so much joy and me a little peace in between teething moments. I now know what to get Fyfe for Christmas!

Colour in Photography

When I was given all of my wedding pictures many of them were in black and white. I really thought that I would enjoy the black and white photographs but I found myself not like them as much. When I looked at all of the photographs, this one really caught my eye. As I looked at it more I realized that I really liked it because of the colour. I saw this picture in black and white and it was not the same. I quickly realized that the colour added so much to the photo itself. While looking at the rest of my photographs after this one, I chose to get them all in colour as they were just so much better when the rich colours could shine through.

Reflection on the Child

I found this poem, Reflection on the Child, in an Special Education Newsletter in which I presented in our assessment class. I posted this poem as I believe that it really gets to the core of what I think is extremely important about the education system and us as future teachers. When reading this poem, I really realized the importance that I will have in the life of my future students. This poem really shows that as future teachers we will have a huge responsibility to help our students reach their full potentials.
Reflection on the Child

As in nature- no two tress or flowers,
although seeded at the same time,
grow and bloom at the same rate,
at the same height,
or to the same degree of color.
So also in children.
Although the same age,
each child is like an individual flower
requiring different amounts
of light, water, air and nurturing to grow
to its fullest potential.
Given basic necessities children will
but it is important to determine what
each needs to truly flourish.
We are the true gardeners in the green-
house of learning.
- Anonymous

RCMP Memorial Painting

One of these memorial paintings was given to my husband as a graduation gift when he finished his RCPM training in April 2008. At first I did not like it as it represented my greatest fear of my husband being an RCMP member. Now that I have become more comfortable with the whole thing, I really appreciate this piece of art. The painting now hangs in my living room in Smithers and poses a constant reminder of the hard work that the RCMP members do in order to keep us all safe.