Monday, November 17, 2008

Fyfe's Favorite Book

My niece, Fyfe is teething so badly right now which makes it hard for me to find things to make her happy while I am babysitting! On the weekend, in the middle of a teeth related upset time, I pulled out this book. The reaction that I got was out of this world. Fyfe was bright eyed and laughing the whole time, when she wasn't oohing at the pictures or asking me "what's that" in her very cute baby language. Therefore, I thank Eric Carle for bringing Fyfe so much joy and me a little peace in between teething moments. I now know what to get Fyfe for Christmas!

1 comment:

Judy Thompson said...

Hey there Miss Faye. Good to see you have your blog up and running. I know this story and I love it. In fact, I have brought it for my Grandbabies for Christmas. I love the pictures in here too. Such a great book for children.