Monday, November 17, 2008

RCMP Memorial Painting

One of these memorial paintings was given to my husband as a graduation gift when he finished his RCPM training in April 2008. At first I did not like it as it represented my greatest fear of my husband being an RCMP member. Now that I have become more comfortable with the whole thing, I really appreciate this piece of art. The painting now hangs in my living room in Smithers and poses a constant reminder of the hard work that the RCMP members do in order to keep us all safe.

1 comment:

Judy Thompson said...

Faye, I really like this painting. I have a friend who has one like it hanging in his living room as well and he is not even an RCMP officer. I asked him about it once and he told that he brought it because he had an RCMP officer killed and this reminds him of the friendship they shared.